Thursday, February 5, 2009

The ROAD, a must read novel

While I riding to the office...i have my self read the books to kill the time. My office located in BOGOR, while my home is in Jakarta . And travelling there takes about one hour and good thing is office provide a bus for all staff who live in Jakarta, so it is the privilege for us. I can still reading a book in a bus.

And now..I am reading this book - THE ROAD, by Cormac McCarthy..
this book recommended by Oprah Winfrey's Book Club.

The story is thrilling, beautifull..dazzling and SAD..

and soon it is Filming too...and VIGGO MORTENSEN cast as a Father...hmm can't wait to see it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Coffee start the day

Every morning, before I start to work..i have to make the you see this is my favourite Hot Coffee Late....good thing is our office has a coffee machine to make this take a sip of coffee...and then eat sandwich or goreng pisang for breakfast. After that open the notebook...and read so many emails to read..too many problem, must solve in one day. Tough day to start of...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Rement Collection, It's cool

This is one of my miniature collection. Made by RE-MENT. They sold the item seperately and we have to buy each part partially...they have different theme. On this one the theme is Student desk..It' is fun...but it takes time to collect them

The IT Bag

This is my favourite bag and brand : KIPLING know the cute made from nylon fabric..but I wonder why it is soo expensive. Is it because of the Monkey :) ?

but I do love it so much ..I buy whenever I have extra savings, but NOT a something that I must have. When I find the styling and color is catchy....i have to open my wallet, close my eye and buy it....

and the moment i wait is when the store offer a 40% discount....yamm yammm I can't help it..